+ Products « Veterinary Products « Vitamins and Minerals « Oral soluble powder


Product for poultry fattening.
Body weight gain, enhancing resistance, reduce mortality due to stress.

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Powder for oral
Each 1 kg contains:
Vitamin A (min) 2 MIU
Vitamin D3 (min) 2 MIU
Vitamin E (min) 4 g
Vitamin B1 (min) 4 g
Vitamin PP (min) 4 g
Ca (min – max) 4 – 5 g
Zn (min – max) 1,5 – 2 g
Fe (min – max) 10 – 15 g
Mn (min – max) 1 – 2 g
Lysine sum (min) 10 g
Methionine sum (min) 15 g
Sorbitol (min) 10 g
Excipients q.s.f 1 kg 
No hormone, antibiotic.
Stimulation of appetite and body weight gain, improvement of feed conversion ratio, supplement of nutritions. It is used to aid to thick and smooth feather, yellow feet, strong bones, prevention of muscle atrophy, peck and bite each other in poultry.
Prevent stress due to change environment, transport, re-grouping, disease.
Enhancing hepatic functions, detoxify, excretion of acid uric of kidney due to disease typhoid, CRD, CCRD or Gumboro.
Enhancing resistance, immunity booster against disease, convalescence well.
Oral administration via drinking water or feed
Poultry: 1kg/1000 liters for drinking water, or 1kg/500kg for feed.
20 days before sold: 1kg/50 liters for drinking water or 1kg/250 feed mixture.
Cattle: 1kg/500kg for feed.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight
Sachet: 500g, 1kg, 10kg.
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